Category Archives: Blog_EN

Explore trending stories, analysis, and updates on a wide range of topics related to AI and the hospitality industry.

4 Reasons Why You Should Replace Your Legacy Systems

The case for replacing legacy systems

When considering different products at a grocery store, consumers will always pick the superior item over the inferior one. Unfortunately, businesses don’t always have this same luxury. In most cases, they will already have a solution in use, so they cannot easily choose an alternative that is better. Enterprises, in short, are beholden to the […]

How Technology-Driven Sustainability and CSR Will Shape the Future of Hospitality

futuristic hotel lobby

In an era marked by digital transformation and escalating demands for sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR), the hospitality industry faces a pivotal opportunity to redefine its operational and strategic frameworks.  To bolster Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and CSR objectives, Terence Ronson, a hospitality professional, technology consultant, public speaker and inventor, offers a strategic […]

Research Sheds Light on Interest and Trust Levels of Business Travelers in AI Solutions

Research on Interest and Trust Levels of Business Travelers in AI Solutions

In today’s digital era, it’s evident that advancements in technology are reshaping various aspects of our lives, including business travel. From AI to machine learning, the evolving preferences and requirements of modern business travelers are at the forefront of innovation. The significance of AI in the realm of corporate travel cannot be overstated, with a […]

How Aiello’s Postpartum Care Solutions Can Help Maternity Centers Automate Tasks and Deliver Better Services

Postpartum care solutions for Maternity Centers

Maternity centers and postpartum hotels have an important mission: To provide quality healthcare, comfort, and rest to new mothers. Most doctors, nurses, and aides at such facilities believe that this is accomplished through execution: They must strive to deliver services and treatment to the best of their abilities and expertise. But execution is only one […]

How to Improve Hotel Staff Retention with a Task Management System

Impact of Task Management System on hotel staff retention

The revolving door at the entrance of many hotel lobbies is an apt metaphor: Many such businesses are suffering from poor staff retention. Newly hired staff stay for short tenures – it is almost as though they enter one door and leave soon after the same way. Inadequate retention is more than just a number’s […]

Collaboration and Teamwork: Streamlining Workflows with Aiello’s Task Management System

Collaboration and teamwork

Most people do not associate teamwork with traditional businesses like hospitality. The general assumption is that hotel operations are so cut-and-dry that collaboration is minimal compared to more innovative sectors. As anyone in hospitality can tell you, there is nothing further from the truth. Collaboration and teamwork are even more central to hospitality. Without these […]

5 Key Trends Shaping the Future of Hospitality and Tourism

Future of Hospitality and Tourism

The hospitality and tourism industry is a vast sector that includes all the economic activities that directly or indirectly contribute to, or depend upon, travel and tourism. It is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging every year.  For this article, we gazed into a crystal ball and saw five key trends that are shaping the […]

9 Hotel Tips & Tricks for Better Housekeeping Operations

9 Hotel Tips & Tricks for Better Housekeeping Operations

Improving housekeeping operations is not just about maintaining hotel cleanliness and ensuring guest comfort—it is also about providing support to the front-line staff. The behind-the-scenes housekeeping powerhouse plays a key role among hotel departments, making sure the rooms are ready for guests and the front-of-house services can run smoothly.   Enhancing housekeeping operations and fostering seamless […]

Understanding the Technology Behind Aiello Voice Assistant

Technology Behind Aiello Voice Assistant

When using generative artificial intelligence (AI), the technology can almost seem magical. The user prompts it with some kind of input and out comes the exact output he is looking for in a matter of seconds. Because the technology works so seamlessly, users often don’t bother to find out how it works under the hood. […]