Category Archives: Blog_EN

Explore trending stories, analysis, and updates on a wide range of topics related to AI and the hospitality industry.

AI Platform Translates Hotel Guests’ Speech Into Actionable Data and Insights is Aiello's latest AI platform

The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in both travel and hospitality isn’t particularly new – many tech platforms and service providers have been utilizing AI behind-the-scenes for years now. But the emergence and rapid evolution of Generative AI and sophisticated language models have allowed many travel tech players to finally address gaps in the market […]

How Voice Assistants Revolutionize Human-Computer Interaction


Voice assistants have come a long way since their inception in the early 1960s. The first voice assistant was IBM’s Shoebox device, which could understand 16 words and 9 digits. Since then, voice assistants have evolved through four distinct eras: Origin, Pre-modern, Modern, and Smart Speaker Revolution. The modern era began with the launch of […]

4 Best HotSOS Alternatives to Use In 2024

HotSOS Alternatives

If you stumbled upon this article, your hotel or hospitality business is exploring alternatives to HotSOS. Perhaps your organization has been a long-time user of HotSOS but the cloud-based hotel property management solution no longer meets your needs. Alternatively, your hotel may have started the procurement process with a focus on HotSOS but realize that […]

6 Best AI Trip Planners for Your Next Vacation

The unstoppable rise of ChatGPT-powered tools to change the future of travel

AI-powered trip planners have introduced faster and more personalized holiday planning. The strength of AI trip planners lies in their massive information database. The AI model is trained to act like a travel agent to create personalized itineraries with hotel, restaurant, and sightseeing recommendations in the area.

7 Technology Trends That Will Define the Hospitality Industry in 2024

Technology Trends That Will Define the Hospitality Industry

Imagine you’ve just stepped into Marina Bay Sands and you breezed through a check-in powered by facial recognition technology. Or, while you’re at M Social Singapore, your app-ordered room service is delivered promptly by a robot. These might have sounded a bit far-fetched a decade ago. But the hotel industry has been undergoing a technological […]

Hang Up or Hang On: What Lies Ahead for Hotel Phone Systems?

Hang Up or Hang On: What Lies Ahead for Hotel Phone Systems?

Looking back over the past few decades, hotel room telephones, once indispensable for external and internal communication, have evolved from guest conveniences to clutter on the bedside table.   A notable trend often reported by our hotel clients is that the bulk of front desk calls now occur internally within the hotel. The days of guests […]

Work From Hotel: What Tools Do You Need?

work from hotel

When it comes to working, most people think it is black-or-white: You either report to the office or telecommute from home. In the wake of the pandemic, a third trend has emerged: work from hotel. With remote workers eager to travel after lockdowns, they now frequently combine a vacation with work. This trend is changing […]

Task Automation with Aiello TMS Pro: Maximizing the Potentials for Higher Value Work

task automation with aiello tms pro

When businesses describe the benefits of their product or service, they often note that it can save time. They take this benefit as self-evident: In their view, all businesses should want to reduce man-hours for certain tasks. But what good is time saved if it results in employees aimlessly standing around, or worse, engaging in […]

3 Ways Aiello Voice Assistant is Transforming Customer Service for Hotels

Aiello Voice Assistant is Transforming Customer Service

Hotels often pride themselves on their white glove service. When a guest goes up to a staff member or the concierge, they will answer any question, concern, or request as promptly as possible. Most hotels feel that this hand-holding is indicative of great customer service. What such hotels fail to think about is the opportunity […]

5 Transformative Forces Shaping the Hospitality Industry’s Future

Future of hospitality

The landscape of travel and hospitality is experiencing a resurgence following the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. As consumers show an increased appetite for travel, the hospitality industry is on the path to recovery. However, evolving guest expectations, operational optimization, and revenue recovery remain critical challenges that require adaptation and innovation. Here are five transformative […]