How Aiello’s Postpartum Care Solutions Can Help Maternity Centers Automate Tasks and Deliver Better Services

Postpartum care solutions for Maternity Centers

Maternity centers and postpartum hotels have an important mission: To provide quality healthcare, comfort, and rest to new mothers. Most doctors, nurses, and aides at such facilities believe that this is accomplished through execution: They must strive to deliver services and treatment to the best of their abilities and expertise.

But execution is only one part of the equation. No matter how well-meaning such healthcare professionals are, they may be limited by their technology. For example, a nurse or aide may efficiently respond to the buzz of a call button to go check up on the patient, who will then explain what they need.

Patients, however, should not have to go through the trouble of calling a healthcare professional just to explain what they need face-to-face, before waiting some more. They need the ability to make instant inquiries and requests, which is exactly what Aiello can empower them to do.

Here are three ways Aiello’s postpartum care solutions can help.

Improve maternity center or postpartum hotel operations

Improve maternity center or postpartum hotel operations
Source: Pexels

The vast majority of maternity centers and postpartum hotels still operate on the archaic paging system, which already cost hospitals over US$8.3 billion a year in inefficiencies. If a patient wants something or has a question, they need to press a call button, and then wait for the nurse or aide to arrive. The healthcare worker then takes mental note of the mother’s request and then goes out to fulfill it.

This system is both inefficient (patients have to go through two periods of waiting) and subject to errors (if the healthcare professional gets mixed up, the mother who requested extra blankets may get the meal that another mom asked for). Maternity centers and postpartum hotels, in short, need a much better system than simply relying on aides to accurately remember each request and then process them.

Aiello offers such businesses a better solution. Maternity centers and postpartum hotels can centralize their tasks on Aiello Task Management System (TMS Pro). By digitizing their operations, these businesses can gain numerous advantages, such as the ability to assign tasks and track the status of each one. Moreover, maternity centers and postpartum hotels can create custom workflows around frequently recurring tasks for even greater efficiency.

Centralizing their tasks to TMS Pro will enable these businesses to streamline patient-facing processes, save manpower for higher level tasks, and even maintain a more cost-efficient professional-to-patient ratio.

Help patients recover and recuperate

Help patients recover and recuperate
Source: Pexels

While efficiency is important, maternity centers and postpartum hotels are not factories, designed to pump out widgets as efficiently as possible. What ultimately drives these businesses is patient care: They want to take care of mothers after they give birth in the best way they can.

The current paging systems are counter-productive to this goal. They give mothers additional stress, delay things or services they need, and create an overall poor patient experience. No one – least of all new mothers – likes to go through complex processes to fulfill what should be simple tasks.

The customer-facing part of Aiello’s postpartum care solutions, Aiello Voice Assistant (AVA), provides an exceptional patient experience. Using just their voice, in the same manner they would use Siri, new mothers can ask questions and get immediate answers. A mother inquiring about when dinner will be served can get an exact answer right away, rather than having to go through an aide. Such an outcome is possible because the model is trained on a specialized knowledge graph that includes information specific to the maternity center or postpartum hotel.

But AVA is not only an information clearinghouse. Patients can make requests, and these will be routed to the right aide, nurse, or doctor, who can view each one on TMS Pro. The seamless integration between AVA and TMS Pro ensures that mothers have a direct line to hotel staff, which produces a responsiveness that is hard to beat in terms of patient experience.

Gain a competitive edge in the marketplace

Maternity centers and postpartum hotels are undergoing an arms race. They are rushing to offer the best amenities and provide the most unique services in a bid to sway expectant mothers to their facility rather than those of competitors. For example, some offer food that can compete with the best restaurants, available on demand 24-hours a day, and even a spa.

While these amenities are great, they ultimately mean little if patients have trouble accessing them. What good is a spa if it’s stressful for mothers to book an appointment, or room service if it takes forever to order a meal? In this context, it makes sense for these facilities to add AVA as their next in-room assistant.

Since AVA can function as an information and request hub, placing it in each room will turbocharge all the other amenities, services, and features: Now guests can access them more efficiently and conveniently. Since this is an enormous value-add, maternity centers and postpartum hotels with AVA can advertise its inclusion.

Mothers who know that they can get everything they need by using voice commands will prefer facilities with AVA over those without the device. In this way, AVA can function as a point of differentiation, bringing in mothers to their maternity center or postpartum hotel who may have otherwise chosen competitors.

Because mothers deserve the best

Because mothers deserve the best
Source: Pexels

Mothers go to maternity centers or postpartum hotels in search of quality comfort, rest, and healthcare. Because of their desires, many facilities mistakenly believe that they only need to prioritize excellence in their staff.

This view is again misguided, given that many aides, nurses, and doctors are held back by the quality of their systems. No amount of patient care can compensate for the terrible experience of having to page aides on an archaic system.

Aiello’s postpartum care solutions is a dramatic leap forward for these facilities. Mothers can issue commands and questions directly into AVA, where they will be answered immediately or routed to the right staff for further action. For their part, healthcare professionals can streamline task management through TMS Pro to ensure patient requests are handled efficiently, accurately, and thoroughly.

Implementing Aiello as a total solution will revitalize any maternity center or postpartum hotel, which gets ever closer to fulfilling the most important mission of all: serving mothers at their greatest time of need.

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