

3 Ways to Upsell in Your Hotel with AI
For most people, staying in a hotel is a unique experience of changing their environment. During this time, the guests are more willing to purchase extra services to elevate their travel experience.
Travelers are not looking for travel recommendations in a hotel anymore. In fact, most modern guests use Google search or social media like Instagram, to plan their trip.
So, how can a hotel win back guests’ attention in this day and age?

The Business of Conversation: Why the Conversational AI Market Will be Worth $46.29 Billion in 2028
Conversational AI is transforming the way we interact with intelligent machines and applications at breakneck speed and completely revolutionizing industries such as finance, retail, and healthcare. Over the last three years, interest in Conversational AI is in ascendance and the market is now estimated to be worth $5.1 billion and forecasted by Data Bridge to rise to $46.29 billion by 2028. At Aiello, we are excited to be part of the Conversational AI revolution at such a monumental time in the development of how humans communicate with machines.

Qualcomm 创投-红杉中国认可、Top10最具成长力企业,犀动智能于创业帮星际营光荣毕业
2019年12月17-19日,犀动智能代表2019 Qualcomm 创投-红杉中国 BC 第 16 期智能互连加速营团队,参加2019 创业邦星际营毕业路演。

巨头早已瞄上的酒店语音服务入口,创业团队仍有机会 | Aiello 犀动科技
去年 4 月,作为 Google Assistant 亚太与欧洲团队的主要负责人,沈书纬 Vic Shen(后文称 Vic)曾受邀出席深圳湾 WARE 2018 新硬件峰会,首次公开 Google Assistant 近几年成长轨迹和规划,这也是 Google Assistant 以及他本人首次接受国内第三方邀请公开亮相。这之后,他也是少有公开亮相。


2019年8月28日,在上海国际会议中心,犀动智能以黑马姿态,一举赢得三座奖杯!包括取得最高票的“网络人气奖”,以及犀动智能创始人&CEO 沈书纬的现场讲演后,由现场观众投票选出的”现场人气奖”,最后在专业的业界评审团的一致肯定下,于“2019数字旅游奖颁奖晚宴”上获得了环球旅讯产品创新奖之”金奖”!

走进犀动科技(Aiello)位于阳光街的办公司,外面阳光灿烂,绿草如茵,办公司里一如初创公司该有的氛围 – 挂着眼镜穿着格子文化衫的工程同学们,眼神专注的盯着屏幕上一行行的彩色代码, 墙边的盆栽显然很久没人关注浇水呈现半死不活的状态,实验室里的床,排气扇和焊接桌并排着。迎面走来一个戴着眼镜,穿着拖鞋,黑色T恤牛仔裤的男子,神情光彩兴奋略显疲累,这就是犀动科技(Aiello)的创始人兼CEO – 沈书纬 Vic Shen。